Sunday, August 25, 2019

Top 10 Heisei Kamen Rider Openings

With the final episode of Zi-O the Heisei era of Kamen Rider will come to an end and the first Reiwa Rider will debut the following week.  I thought it would be fun to discuss my favorite Heisei openings.  For this list i am taking into account the song played during the opening as well as the visuals during the sequence.

10.  Kamen Rider Kuuga.  Looking back at early Heisei is like seeing something completely different.  The shows were often more serious in tone and there was no huge push to sell gimmicks.  The opening song is simply called 'Kamen Rider Kuuga!'.  There are a few variants of the sequence, updated as the story progresses (which is typical).  I think my favorite part is Kuuga fighting in the burning church (which we first saw in episode one).  All the different quick cuts that build up, a flash of dripping tree sap, the Kuuga symbol made of blood and barbed wire intermixed with our characters.  Even simple imagery like one drop of water making ripples.  It all builds to and creates a foreboding atmosphere in spite of the upbeat song.  And also you have Sakurako doing... whatever it is she is doing.  'No fear, no pain!'

9. Kamen Rider Zi O.  This is on the list not because it's the latest series but because i genuinely like the song 'Over "Quartzer" ' and it often gets stuck in my head after watching an episode.  Favorite part:  i like the sequence where Tsukuyomi watches Zi O walk away from her.  She has this look on her face that makes you wonder if Sougo has finally decided to become Oma Zi O.  All the Rider Kicks that are paused in mid-air and are unpaused resulting in a explosion... great stuff.  Openings often provide hints and the sequence of Tsukuyomi walking down the stairs among the Time Jackers is one.  It hints at her backstory... even if this aspect of the character wasn't touched on till the final arc. 

8.  Kamen Rider Gaim.  Fruit.  Break dancing.  Locks.  Sengoku imagery.  You would think all these elements mixed together would make for something unwatchable.  But it works.  What i always appreciated was in the updated sequence they kept many shots of our characters dancing and smiling, almost to remind us of better times.  Meanwhile everyone was going through hell and some of our characters did not survive.  'Just Live More' is the song for this opening.

7.  Kamen Rider Drive.  'Surprise Drive' is the song for this series and it immediately gets you jazzed.  It has this infectious energy that, complemented with the imagery, gets you excited for the episode.  There is a playfulness at work here from the start.  We also have numerous shots of our characters running, Tridoron in action and of course Drive himself zipping around at high speed.  And remember, 'All we need is Drive!'

6.  Kamen Rider Decade.  'Journey Through the Decade' by Gackt.  As a photographer i can't help but love the use of cameras and negatives in this opening.  I have a box of old negatives and everytime i watch this i'm tempted to take them out and do something with them.  Maybe not put them in a jar of water though.  I'll restrain myself from commenting on the series itself (i don't get why it's always in top ten series lists... i just don't!)  I often think Tsukasa is more vulnerable in the opening than the series itself.  If you've never watched the music video Gackt produced for this song i suggest you do so.

5.  Kamen Rider Ryuki.  Kuuga and Agito have solid openings, but i feel that Ryuki really knocks it out of the park.  The song 'Alive A Life' immediately got stuck in my head the first time i hear it.  From the sound of glass shattering to the first beats.  Not only that but it has some of the best imagery.  The TV screen with water flowing over.  Different faces flash by quickly, some of them are seemingly scratched out. Yui surrounded by the feathers (another visual hint for a plot).  Our three main characters walking in different directions.  It's a opening that i never skipped when i was watching the series.  Rica Matsumoto sings 'Alive A Life' and is best known as the Japanese voice actor for Satoshi AKA Ash Ketchum.  

4.  Kamen Rider Kiva.  I could sit here all day and talk about how much i love this series.  'Break the Chain' is a song that, like 'Surprise Drive' gets you excited.  We see lots of repeated imagery here.  The rose petals, stained glass windows and of course chains.  This is an opening that takes a moment to get going.  Wataru walks in and takes the violin from the chair and then the song really kicks in.  And of course the different time periods are represented. 

3.  Kamen Rider Ex Aid.  'EXCITE' or as my fellow Fanhole Tony is fond of saying, 'Hacky Sack!  Hacky Sack!'  Like Gaim, this series combines elements that makes you wonder, how does that work?  Doctors and gamers.  Well, it works.  Emu's look of determination followed by the red eyes of Parada adds a Jekyll and Hyde touch.  The best part of this opening?  Anytime you see Poppy.  Fight me.  This was another one that i never skipped when watching the series.  It's just so upbeat.  Another opening with infectious energy. 


2.  Kamen Rider W.  'W-B-X ~W-Boiled Extreme~'  This was the first series i watched.  It holds a special place in my heart.  I also love the detective motif.  Shotaro is the guy that thinks he is cool but everyone else sees as half boiled.  The first shot of W looking over the city has this melancholy feeling but the song immediately puts those thoughts to rest.  There is even a very brief animated part to this opening, which is something unique. 


1.  Kamen Rider Den O.  For 'Climax Jump' i prefer the original version.  'Climax Jump Den-Liner Form' just sounds... wrong.  I dunno how better else to put it.  Anyway this opening has some really great imagery.  Time flowing backwards, Hana crying, the destroyed birthday cake and the candles that are re-lit.  My favorite part is Hana, Airi, and Ryotaro laughing.  For Airi, who i always felt was a character that had so much put on her by everyone in her life, seeing her laugh like this is especially nice.  This is my favorite song and favorite sequence (which is why it's number one).  And the best part of Heisei Generations Forever was Momotaros singing 'Climax Jump' as he walked into battle.

So there you have it.  Agree or disagree, let me know in the comments section.  

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